You are currently viewing #9 Capri – Contemporary art

#9 Capri – Contemporary art

Liquid art system: the contemporary art gallery in Capri owned by Franco Senesi. A fascinating man trying to feed the huge cultural heritage of the island, perhaps the greatest among all the minor islands in Italy, and for sure the one who has almost always been at the top since the ancient Greek era.


Posted on: 11.May.2018   Leave a comment


The project is conceived and realized by me, Lucio Bellomo, born in 1983 in Palermo, Sicily. Which is also Italy ;-) I am (not proud of being) an engineer in electronics. After the PhD I worked as a physical oceanographer in France, doing research on the physical phenomena that rule the oceans. I took part in several long international oceanographic cruises onboard research vessels. Eager for an even tighter contact with the sea, I left the University and today I work as a diving instructor, both SCUBA and freediving, in small Mediterranean islands and tropical seas. In my spare time I fancy sailing: I began in the Mediterranean Sea and am continuing in the Atlantic Ocean.

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