Time for leaving the Elba Island too. By the way, is it the largest among the small islands or the smallest among the great islands…?
I was afraid of its size, I was wondering whether I wound find out any insular spirit… I doubted, and I was wrong. For there was Tiziana Pisani who by complete chance wrote to me out of the blue in the very morning of my arrival and magic, coincidences started.
In the Elba Island there is Vincenzo Bono with his Terra e Cuore project: breeding of goats and production of cheese, ice cream (awesome!), saffron… born and raised in the region of Venice although with sicilian blood, he (and a great woman at his side) wandered through so many islands of the Mediterranean, including the tiny Othonoí (where incredibly I was too), before choosing or letting himself being chosen from Elba. A man that moved me.
There is, then, Umberto Segnini. This time I really don’t know what words to use. A spirit of a whole other category, traveler of islands of the world – but the Mediterranean wins anyway on the Pacific – whose ability to listen amazes and that of speaking, slow, exact, fascinates. The philosopher of the islands, who believes that all depends on the children and therefore takes them sailing around other islands with his awesome, very important, IsolaMondo project.
Then a great SCUBA dive (it was time!) with Domenica and Susanna from Marina di Campo Diving, helpful, kind, professional: it was full of small red coral branches!
And finally the music. Finally. The Ravanatèra – canzoniere d’isole who revist with a modern mood the traditional songs of the islands! The Islands!!! And La Compagnia Scapestrati, cheerful, big-hearted, friends.
What a pity once again to leave after only two days…
Posted on: 1.Jun.2018 Leave a comment