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Last moments before departure

A few hours and I’ll leave, at least if the weather allows me to do it.
But before, I want to thank everyone who has helped me so far, and who has believed in this strange idea of mine.

And in particular a great thanks to Sikulo Bistrot Gastronomico who opened its SikuloOnBoat season with 33 Isole: we had a wonderful evening, really. Your hearts are big and your professionalism impressive. And to Pierpaolo E Beatriz (aka Badalucco – De la Iglesia García) for their delicious natural wine). Thank you..

Behind each of these names there is a story, which I will not forget: Marcello Raspante antichita’Desadorna Di Alessia BrunoAeolian Islands Preservation FundSailing italia servicesLa Rotta dei Fenici – Itinerario Culturale del Consiglio d’EuropaRED Digital CinemaLaCieBonnemaison Inc.ED Media, Yam, RopeyeRoyal 3D, Lega Navale Italiana – sez. Palermo Centro, and Club Canottieri Roggero di Lauria.

Posted on: 15.Apr.2018   Leave a comment


The project is conceived and realized by me, Lucio Bellomo, born in 1983 in Palermo, Sicily. Which is also Italy ;-) I am (not proud of being) an engineer in electronics. After the PhD I worked as a physical oceanographer in France, doing research on the physical phenomena that rule the oceans. I took part in several long international oceanographic cruises onboard research vessels. Eager for an even tighter contact with the sea, I left the University and today I work as a diving instructor, both SCUBA and freediving, in small Mediterranean islands and tropical seas. In my spare time I fancy sailing: I began in the Mediterranean Sea and am continuing in the Atlantic Ocean.

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