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Island People – Procida – Nicola Scotto Di Carlo

Procida is Elsa Morante’s “Arturo’s island”. “Ah, I would not ask to be a seagull or a dolphin; I would settle for being a scorpionfish, which is the ugliest fish in the sea, to be there, to have a good time in that water”.

When I was working in CNR (Italian National Research Center)’s oceanographic vessels, all sailors were from Procida. All of them! True and modern seamen, they would tell us how hard it was to make a proper living spending 3 months onboard and 3 on the ground. Plus, the cooks, amazing!!!

Procida is also a truly extraordinary person’s island. Here’s how Nicola Scotto Di Carlo defines himself:

“I’d say I’m a comebacker to Procida. I returned to the island 12 years ago after the birth of my second son. After living in Manfredonia, Bari, Rome, Fiumicino, Pavia, Milan, Zurich, Naples, Procida recalled. Many places, many lives, many passions and deep experiences. Today I can say that living on a Mediterranean “atoll” compared to the metropolitan dimension of large cities, the poor quality of life, and the complexity of everyday life, has allowed me to identify the golden rule necessary to perfectly control the space and time variables. All of which results in being well.”
“I’m 44 years old, I am a designer / technologist, and I was educated at Politecnico di Bari, at the Higher Institute of Design, as well as at the school of the great designer AG Fronzoni. I am an educational coordinator in a 3-year degree in Communication Design, I deal with 3D underwater surveys, I am IT director of a company that manages a wide network of travel agencies, and I am part of an active research group on representation systems for underwater museums.”
“See, I try not to get bored. And in order to avoid that risk, since 2008 I have been committing to society trying to transfer some of the experiences and benefits of the metropolitan cultural dimension to the small island context. In this direction, with friends and institutions we were able to create an exhibition area called TERRA (EARTH) in which finally people from Procida could learn the scientific truth of their “own” archaeological as well as geological history. Today, TERRA has become a virtual civic museum and I am actively involved as its curator. I hope I can open its doors soon to all 33 Isole and Lucio’s friends.”

And me, Nicola, I just can’t wait for you to be my cicero in your Procida. I will leave enriched, wiser perhaps, and full of wonder.

Posted on: 5.Mar.2018   Leave a comment


The project is conceived and realized by me, Lucio Bellomo, born in 1983 in Palermo, Sicily. Which is also Italy ;-) I am (not proud of being) an engineer in electronics. After the PhD I worked as a physical oceanographer in France, doing research on the physical phenomena that rule the oceans. I took part in several long international oceanographic cruises onboard research vessels. Eager for an even tighter contact with the sea, I left the University and today I work as a diving instructor, both SCUBA and freediving, in small Mediterranean islands and tropical seas. In my spare time I fancy sailing: I began in the Mediterranean Sea and am continuing in the Atlantic Ocean.

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